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Palestinian Political Discourse

Palestinian Political Discourse presents an in-depth examination of Palestinian political discourse sincean-Nakba in 1948 and stitches together the underlying mechanisms and rules that have shaped Palestinian politics, in turn synthesizing, interpreting and scrutinizing these rules. Studying the question of Palestine discursively offers new ways to rethink political agency, structures, identity, institutions and power relations while interpreting Palestinian actions.

This book adds new understanding to Palestinian political agency by explaining how political actions were constructed. Discourse analysis methodology underlies the critical examination of the genealogy of concepts and frames that have oriented Palestinian political thought. Contrary to established views that ascribe shifts in Palestinian politics primarily to external factors and international changes, this book demonstrates how transformation has been a continuing inbuilt feature within the discursive regime and that dramatic shifts were only effects of much deeper, slowly evolving changes.

Examining discourse, and thus language, offers an exceptional possibility to see from the Palestinian perspective. As such, this book provides material vital to the deeper interpretation of the Palestinian question. It will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of Israel-Palestine studies, Middle East studies, and discourse analysis.

Review of the book:

Overall, then, in both its close attention to the detail of Palestinian discourse as well as in its attempt to offer a politically coherent analysis of the evolution of this discourse, Badarin’s book has much to offer as a contribution to our understanding of the plight, history and present needs and aspirations of the Palestinian people. All in all, then, the book is an original, and strongly argued, contribution to our understanding of Palestinian history and politics from the discourse end. read more

review of Peter E. Jones in Journal of Language and Discrimination Vol 1.1 2017
Cite as: Badarin, Emile 2016. Palestinian Political Discourse: Between Exile and Occupation. London: Routledge.