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Jordan’s economic, security and political challenges under Covid-19

This article examines the implications of the continued spread of Covid-19 on the political, economic and security challenges that confront Jordan. It argues that the country’s response to the pandemic constitutes a significant juncture in the counter-revolt and counter-reform in the region. The reactions of the Jordanian government unfolded as a process of power consolidation in the office of the appointed prime minister while weakening the democratic institu- tions, organized socio-political dissent and civil society. Through this policy, the Government has sought to pre-empt popular demands for political reforms and participation in a context where the rentier social contract has become unsustainable.

The deferred Israeli plan to formally annexe parts of the West Bank represents serious threats to the tenuous balance in the country and its century- long security strategy. Although the survival of the Hashemite Kingdom has been at stake many times throughout its history, the post-Covid-19 confluence of challenges is unique. The country’s reliance on a conventional security-driven approach may not just fail to address the problem but could increase the risks.

Cite as: Badarin, Emile 2022. “Jordan’s economic, security and political challenges under Covid-19.” Mediterranean politics 27.5: 665-673.